(Œöà)‘å㇋C‰ï@OsakaAikikai Foundation

Aikido and the Osaka Aikikai

What is Aikido?

The photograph on the left is the founder of Aikido, the venerable Ueshiba Morihei(1883`1969).Aikido was derived from the martial techniques of Daito-ryu, and supplemented through the mastery of various other Martial Arts such as swordsmanship; techniques that are harmonious and not injurious to the opponent were spread throughout the world. Aikido is not simply a method for throwing one's opponent, rather it is a tremendous method of continuously re-examining one's own body and spirit. Due to the absense of a sport mentality, this is a Matial Art which is available to men and women of all ages. Please feel free to come at any time to observe the training.

Tanaka Bansen sensei

fAn example of Aikido is: when standing on the bank of a river, someone comes along to push you in; but by pivoting around, it is the other person who will plunge in. The act of then stopping that person from falling in is Aikido.'
This is the teaching of the founder's pre-war disciple, Tanaka Bansen sensei(1912-1988), who established the Osaka Aikikai.'Bansen' was the name given to him by the founder.

Osaka Aikikai:brief history
1936 Tanaka Bansen sensei was accepted as a disciple of the founder, Ueshiba Morihei. A dojo was established in the city of Suita in Osaka prefecture, under the guidance of the founder, Ueshiba Morihei.
1971 The Osaka Aikikai was granted Foundation status by the Osaka Prefectural Government Board of Education.
2012 The Cabinet Office conferred the statusu:'of Public Benefit' to the Osaka Aikikai Foundation.

Osaka Aikikai:schedule of events

April 9 (Sat):
Children's Demonstration(Shudokan, Osaka Castle).
April 17 (Sun)@
Joint Training(Shudokan, Osaka Castle).
May 28 (Sat)
All-japan Aikido Demonstration(Nippon Budokan).
July 2,3(Sat,Sun)
Training Camp in Nara (Budokan No.2,Central Nara).
August 11-17@
Headquarters dojo Summer Holiday.
Octover 23(Sun)
Aikido Demonstration (Senshinkan).
November 23(Wed)
Joint Trainning(Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium).
December 26(Mon)
Final day of regular training at the Headquarters dojo.
December 31(Sat)
New Year's Eve practice.
January 6(Wed)@
First day of training at Headquarters dojo.
January 8(Sun)
New Year opening ceremony
Febuary 19(Sun)@
Joint Training(Senshinkan)